riaad works

1.1. List the key characteristics of different forms of employment:
part time:
Part time employment- this is when you work less than 28 hours but you can work any day of the week.
Full time:
Full time employment- this is when you work for more 38 to 40 hour a week.
Casual Employment:
they don't have a fixed timed to work but they don't know if they were relied by the company
Fixed term and Contract employment:
Apprentices and trainees:
An apprentice or trainee is a person contracted to an employer under a training contract for a nominal period of time
Commission and price rate employment:
this employee get paid when their work is complete instead of getting paid for how many hours they have worked for the week.

1.2. Identify the advantages of different forms of employment 

 advantages of full time jobs 

  • when the workers go on holiday for are sick they still get paid for that day
  • you will have a fixed scheduled which means you dont need to worry at thing like schedualing
  • also with a full time job you will have a fix payment that you will receive at the end of every week. So this means you would not need to worry about money problems because you will get paid.
 advantages for part time jobs

  • Part times jobs are the best option for students as it gives them an opportunity to earn a little pocket money with which they can pay some of their bills as well as it gives them enough time to focus on their academic work.
  • with a part time job you can chose when you work so when your children are is school you can go work and when they finish you can finish work and go collect them. 
  advantages of casual employment

    • One of the greatest advantages of casual work is that they are generally employed on higher hourly rates than other staff.
    • Casual employees do not usually work full-time hours which means that they have an option to explore others avenues of interest that they may have.
       advantages for fixed term
    • It’s from a business prospective that when an exact assignment has to be started it becomes obvious that human resources are required for a set period of time, it is then a fixed term contract could be considered for an individual.
    • Every job has a probationary or trial period to ensure that the potential employee can demonstrate their commitment to the business. A FTC for a set period would be an ideal approach during this time
      advantages of apprentices and trainees
    • Increased workforce flexibility by developing multi-skilled employees to enable them to work across the organisation
    • Improve service levels by equipping staff with essential skills and knowledge to improve the level of service offered.
    • Improve efficiency and quality of products, processes and/or services which increases the capacity of the business to meet customer expectations
      advantages of commission payment
    • Employers benefit from paying a commission to their employees because it means that they only pay the employee if there is a sale
    • Paying employees by salary can be beneficial in a business where you want to offer strong customer support without pushing sales on your customers.

    2 Identify the disadvantages of different forms of employment:

    Disadvantages of full time job

    • A full-time job makes it difficult to handle family work or particularly for workers who have young children that need looking after
    • if you are a teacher you have to work for long our to prepare for the student but you do not get paid enough.
      Disadvantages of part time work
    • Part-time workers usually do not receive benefits such as health insurance, sick leave, holiday pay.
    • When they are not working, they earn no income, which may prove to be difficult when they are a student because they cant work full time but they need money however they don't get paid enough at there part time job.
      Disadvantages of fixed term and contract employments
    • It can hard to recruit for Job applicants may not find the prospect of a short contract as attractive as a permanent option.
    • if in the contract it say you cant leave for what ever reason and the worker what to leave they would not be allowed to.
      Disadvantages of apprentices and trainees 
    • Having an undergraduate degree is an essential requirement for certain careers, particularly in areas such as medicine and science.
    • For many, university isn’t just about getting a degree, it’s about moving to a new place, meeting new people and having a good time.
      Disadvantages of commission and price rate employment 
    •  It's virtually impossible to predict how much product can be created within a set time under this system, because the system doesn’t easily lend itself to regulating and encouraging a production line.
    • Working for piece-rate pay means that workers might come to work when they are ill, thereby risking the health of their coworkers

    2.1.  State a meaning of the term labour market:
    labour marketing is a place where workers and employees go and meat up up with one another. in the labour market  workers try there best. And the employees try to do a good job.

    2.2.  List the key characteristics of the following labour markets:

    local-The ethnic group with the highest employment rate, similar to London, was the White Other group with 78.5 per cent (82.4 per cent for men and 74.3 per cent for women).

    European -Unemployment Rate in European Union remained unchanged at 7.10 percent in April from 7.10 percent in March of 2018Unemployment Rate in European Union averaged 8.97 percent from 2000 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 11 percent in February of 2013 and a record low of 6.80 percent in February of 2008.

    identify the main employment opportunities in the local labour marke:Labour Market Information/Intelligence (LMI) are terms that can sound a little dry. You might think that they involve detailed data around employment rates, salaries and industry demand. Which of course they do. But it’s also a lot more. If you’re wondering how to use LMI in your job search and/or career planning, then read on!
